Oracle DBLink 访问Lob 字段 ORA

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Oracle DBLink 访问Lob 字段 ORA

#Oracle DBLink 访问Lob 字段 ORA| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

/* Formatted on 2012/6/19 10:18:05 (QP5 v5.185.11230.41888) */ CREATE TABLE lob1 ( line NUMBER primary key, text CLOB ); INSERT INTO lob1 SELECT distinct line, text FROM all_source where rownum

LOB 表的信息如下:

[sql] SEGMENT_NAME    SEGMENT_TYPE       TABLESPACE_NAME                SIZE  --------------- ------------------ ------------------------------ ----------  LOB1            TABLE              SYSTEM                         9M    SQL> set wrap off;  SQL> select * from lob1 where rownum=1;       LINE TEXT  ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------     1 package STANDARD AUTHID CURRENT_USER is              -- care  SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE TABLESPACE_NAME SIZE --------------- ------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- LOB1 TABLE SYSTEM 9M SQL> set wrap off; SQL> select * from lob1 where rownum=1; LINE TEXT ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 package STANDARD AUTHID CURRENT_USER is -- care

1.2 在实例2上操作


[sql] CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK lob_link CONNECT TO dave IDENTIFIED BY dave  USING '(DESCRIPTION =            (ADDRESS_LIST =             (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))          )             (CONNECT_DATA =           (SERVICE_NAME = dave)       )    )';    SQL> select * from v$version;    BANNER  ----------------------------------------------------------------  Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod  PL/SQL Release - Production  CORE      Production  TNS for Linux: Version - Production  NLSRTL Version - Production    SQL> select count(*) from lob1@lob_link;    COUNT(*)  ----------       58228  CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK lob_link CONNECT TO dave IDENTIFIED BY dave USING '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = dave) ) )'; SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select count(*) from lob1@lob_link; COUNT(*) ---------- 58228


[sql] SQL> select * from lob1@lob_link where rownum=1;  ERROR:  ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables    no rows selected    [oracle@localhost ~]$ oerr ora 22992  22992, 00000, "cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables"  // *Cause:  A remote LOB column cannot be referenced.  // *Action:  Remove references to LOBs in remote tables.  SQL> select * from lob1@lob_link where rownum=1; ERROR: ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables no rows selected [oracle@localhost ~]$ oerr ora 22992 22992, 00000, "cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables" // *Cause: A remote LOB column cannot be referenced. // *Action: Remove references to LOBs in remote tables.

二.MOS 上的相关说明

2.1 ORA-22992 When TryingTo Select Lob Columns Over A Database Link [ID 119897.1]

       在官网的这篇文章中,基于Oracle 8i的进行了说明,报错的原因是因为不支持这个特性。

(A)You cannot actually select a lob column (i.e. CLOB column) from a table

    using remote database link.  Thisis not a supported feature.

(B)Also, these are the INVALID operations on a LOB column:


    1. SELECT lobcol from table1@remote_site;

    2. INSERT INTO lobtable select type1.lobattr from table1@remote_site;

    3. SELECT dbms_lob.getlength(lobcol) from table1@remote_site;

2.2 ORA-22992 in SQLUsing DBLINK and NVL2 function in 10g. [ID 427239.1]

       在Oracle 9i/10g版本中,存在 ,因此在dblink中使用NVL2 函数时,就会出现ORA-22992的错误。

       该Bug 在Oracle 11gR2中已经修复。


Original SQL:

   select nvl2('a', 'b','c' )from ;

Modified SQL:

   selectto_char(nvl2('a','b','c')) from ;

2.3 SELECT with a LOB andDBLink Returns an ORA-22992: Cannot Use LOB Locators Selected from Remotetables [ID 1234893.1]

       在这边文章里也提到了原因:because the use ofDBLinks and LOBs via the SELECT from PL/SQL is not supported.


The followingNotes discuss this issue, and give code snippets as example to work-around therestriction using the INTO clause. Keep in mind, if working with large LOBsizes, it may be best to implement the work-around of using a MaterializedView.


Note (ORA-1406: FetchedColumn Value was Truncated When Selecting Remote Column into Local BLOBVariable) discusses using a Materialized View in the scenarios where the BLOBwill be larger than 2Meg.

Note (ORA-22992 When Trying To SelectLob Columns Over A Database Link) states this feature is not supported but thenat the end of the Note it states starting with 10.2 there is a work-around ofusing LONG and LONG RAW types.

Note (Ora-22992 has a workaround in10gR2) illustrates a work-around (using LONG RAW) as mentioned was possible inthe previous note.

Note (Workaround for ORA-22992)provides 3 work-arounds.


3.1 将接收的lob 存入char(CBob)或者raw(BLob)本地变量


Ora-22992 has a workaround in 10gR2 [ID 436707.1]

Workaround for ORA-22992 [ID 796282.1]

Starting from 10g the  select from alob object through a database link is supportedby  receiving the LOB objects into variables defined as CHAR orRAW.

--从Oracle10g开始,dblink 的select可以被本地的char或raw 类型变量接收。

(1) Selecting a CLOB objectthrough the dblink:


SQL> declare

2  my_ad varchar(2000);


4  SELECT text INTO my_ad FROMlob1@lob_link where rownum=1;

5  dbms_output.put_line(my_ad);

6  END;


package STANDARD AUTHIDCURRENT_USER is         -- careful onthis line;

SED edit occurs!

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


(2)Selecting a BLOB object through thedblink:

declare my_ad raw(50); BEGIN SELECT obj INTO my_ad FROM test2@torem where id=1; END; /

3.2 使用物化视图

MOS 文章: ORA-1406: Fetched Column Value was Truncated When Selecting RemoteColumn into Local BLOB Variable [ID 459557.1]

在3.1 中,我们可以使用本地变量来接收dblink中LOB的值,但是这个方法是有限制的。当我们接收的LOB 字段值大于32KB值,就会报如下错误:

ORA-01406 :fetched column value was truncated

"If the LOBis greater than 32KB - 1 in size, then PL/SQL will raise a truncation error andthe contents of the buffer are undefined."

This means thatwe are not able to retrieve BLOBs columns greater than 32KB - 1 in size througha database link.

The restrictionstill holds good for 11g from Oracledocumention  SecureFiles and LargeObjects Developer's Guide

3.2.1 测试LOB字段长度


create or replace procedure get_bloblengthas blob_loc blob; blob_length number; begin select into blob_loc from  where name =''; blob_length := dbms_lob.getlength(blob_loc); dbms_output.put_line('Length of the Column : ' || to_char(blob_length)); end;


exec get_bloblength@repb


3.2.2 创建物化视图



SQL> set wrap off;

SQL> select * from lobmv where rownum




        8   type NUMBER is NUMBER_BASE;

        9   subtype FLOAT is NUMBER; --NUMBER(126)

       11   subtype "DOUBLEPRECISION" is FLOAT;

3.3 将含有LOB字段的表复制到本地的全局临时表


[sql] --创建临时表:  create global temporary table lob2  (     line   number primary key,     text   clob  )  on commit delete rows;    --插入数据:  SQL> insert into lob2 select line,text from lob1@lob_link;  499 rows created.    SQL> select * from lob2 where rownum       LINE TEXT  ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------           5           8   type NUMBER is NUMBER_BASE;           9   subtype FLOAT is NUMBER; -- NUMBER(126)          11   subtype "DOUBLE PRECISION" is FLOAT;    SQL> commit;  Commit complete.    SQL> select * from lob2 where rownum no rows selected  --提交之后数据就被删除了,这个是临时表的属性。  --创建临时表: create global temporary table lob2 ( line number primary key, text clob ) on commit delete rows; --插入数据: SQL> insert into lob2 select line,text from lob1@lob_link; 499 rows created. SQL> select * from lob2 where rownum commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from lob2 where rownum



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